About Us
Combat Solutions, LLC offers tactical flotation, specialized equipment, kit & gear together with specialized services and operator personnel to meet today's elevated threat environment. Developed and supported by current and former Naval Special Warfare special operations personnel, Combat Solutions is a key ally to today's military tactical operators and civilian law enforcement.
The availability of state-of-the-art tactical flotation, gear & equipment is the key to a round trip ticket where safety counts. Combat Solutions has been instrumental in the innovation of products in venture with select US manufacturers together with innovation and testing by US Special Operations Command with a particular relationship emphasis within groups of the US Joint Special Operations Command. Combat Solutions continues to pursue ideas and/or challenges from experienced operators for collaborative product-development opportunities when functionality and safety counts.
With the global terrorism on the rise, the battlefield lines continue to be blurred and spectacular events elsewhere can no longer be ignored. Civilian populations, many times far removed from global regions of terror, are unable to rely simply on distance as a defensive measure. Today's world requires proactive measures not only from civilian law enforcement and first responders, but also in today's business environment. Clearly "9/11", the July 2005 London bombings and 2009 Mumbai hotel attacks demonstrate unusual times that require vigilance and preparedness. Combat Solutions can help assess and where appropriate, create comprehensive training, survival and recovery programs in potentially volatile and high-threat environments. Should special personnel be required, Combat Solutions is able to provide true "Tier-1" Operators as Subject Matter Experts or should the need be for "boots on the ground" of specialized personnel in any global environment.
Combat Solutions is a Constituent Member of the US State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security's Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC).